Our Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father
Several Saints

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 19, 2003 at 11:10 am


“There are Several of Us present. The Father is always present, even when just One of Us speaks.

It is time for human life to understand that The Creator is continuously available, and present in a degree unseen by the human eye, but nevertheless, the Presence is continuous day and night.

I have come today to speak on the Importance of human life, its Purpose, and the Reasonability for which it was created. I will begin by different steps in how I speak.

In the Creation of the universe, no human being participated, or could have participated. All things created from then on had reason, for and which, in the different ways it was necessary for them to be.

I will not detail each step of the way at this time, because My Will at this time is to identify how and why I created human life.

Human beings are very remiss in trying to understand the Importance of being created a human being. So much is ignored, due to the fact that most do not want to understand, because they are more interested and drawn to their immediate standards, participations in their culture they are created; thus, in some ways, resisting the responsibilities of fully understanding the Importance of The One Who created human life in the beginning, thus calling it ‘man’.

Daily, all ages of human life find that their identification of others like themselves give purpose to life; also, strength in their life, sharing with other human beings created in the same manner, purpose, structure, and ability to use a mentality that gives to human life Reasonability, Purpose and a Goal.

Needless to say, What I am speaking about at this time is much greater than the few Words I have just spoken, but it is a beginning of what I will continue to do in this manner, this way, thus allowing the mentalities of all degrees to more indepthly understand My Purpose, but also My Love for this Creation of Mine, called ‘man’.”