Saint Anna Maria Goretti

1890 - 1902

Saint Anna Maria Goretti

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 24, 2003 at 12:57 pm


“I am Saint Anna Maria Goretti.

The Gift The Father has given to the world is beyond what the human mentality can perceive It to be. All of Us Saints ask permission to help those who are yet in the living state to be mindful of the Fact that they have a Portion of The Creator that they must protect under all circumstances, due to the fact that human life is oftentimes encouraged to accept something that is not pure, logical, or that the Soul would not be happy to receive.

Children of all ages are not being instructed that as they are gifted with human life, and with all that is necessary to give to their life progress, interests in many things, but mainly to use all they are to please The Creator, so He will one day make them ‘a Saint’.

As human beings thrive on reaching goals, it encourages them, and it instills in them an eagerness, a sensitivity, a pleasure to be able to accomplish something beyond what is ordinary in their life, or that will give to their living a human being, special notice, and of course, experience beyond what it would ordinarily have. Challenges to human life give strength, interest, encouragement, making human life happier in many, many ways.

Today as I speak, it is to enlighten the mentalities of those who read the Words, that human beings were not created to act like other things created. Human life was designed with many things that The Father uses, such as the mentality, the love, the hope, the interest, the enthusiasm, and the courage to face challenges, thus giving to life more advantages, and also, more ways to better understand, more fully comprehend, that when there is a goal, it encourages the mentality to reach the goal, giving something to life that many other things do not possess, or do they have the ability to even reach for, to one day have the responsibility to face The Creator of All Things, and The Creator smiling and saying, ‘Today I can call you “Saint”.’

This, of course, should be everyone’s Goal, and it can happen, it is possible, and with some people it is probable, and so worthwhile to reasonably use human life in every facet possible that will give you the opportunity to one day be called ‘a Saint’. It is not difficult. It is not impossible, but the Goal is what you were created to reach after the human way is no longer capable of breathing or thinking or being active in any way.

I close These Words with deep Love for all human lives, because What I speak is logical and also so worthwhile.”