Saint Sebastian

c. 256 AD - 288

Saint Sebastian

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 24, 2003 at 12:48 pm


“I am Saint Sebastian.

I take this time first in thanksgiving to The Father for allowing Me to become Part of This Gift of His Divine Love. Joined with Him are so Many Saints Here in the Heavens, to render what is important for millions of human beings to more fully understand the Importance of human life. This Gift is beyond human understanding, because within It, It instructs, It teaches, and It blesses those who read the Words, those who hear the Words, and of course, those who obey what the Messages say.

There are millions of human beings throughout the world who casually say they believe in a Creator, but they still live their human life in a different way, more humanistic in what it practices, and of course, more involved in their association with other human beings, thus ignoring, or not allowing, or not feeling the necessity to use prayer to The Divine to give them strength in the human way of living.

It is not always egotism or self-righteousness that they are the custodians of, or do they practice these because they feel it is just as good as anything else, thus ignoring the importance of communication with The Creator.

Some say, ‘I do not hear Him speak.’ That is true for the most part, but nonetheless, most of them know morality over immorality, kindness over unkindness, justice over injustice; but also, they are aware of the sins that can be seen as sins, not just to The Creator, but to those they associate with.

As I speak These Words, I speak Them with deep Love for human life, much concern, because humanism is justified to the degree necessary, but there is a Greater Realm of Spirituality in the Heavens.

Death is not the end of life. Death of a living human being is only the physical. There is a Portion of human life that lives on, that is the Soul that is never seen, but obviously always present.

Without the Soul, a human life would not have the understanding that there is a Divine God Who created All things. This God is Greater than anything the human mind or ability can perceive It to be, but God is The Creator, The Judge, and also The One, that as each Soul is returned to Him, It is a Portion of Him and He knows who It belonged to, and He knows exactly how to help the Soul, sometimes to renew Its way of life, living with Him. It is beautiful to see a Soul Pure and returned to The Creator, because this Soul that is Pure, joins in to help Those Others Who need help.

This may sound strange to many individuals, but oftentimes, and human beings know this for a fact: logic, reality, are some things that show themselves at the right time, at the perfect moment, and yes, give strength where and when it is needed.

As I close My Words, I close Them not like a door slamming, but with a deep Love and a remembering, that when They are read, They will be seen as Guidelines for individuals of all backgrounds, natures, characters, to be thankful for having been created a human being.”