Our Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 6, 2003 at 2:05 pm


“I am your Heavenly Father. I have given to the world a Gift of My Divine Love, using This Gift to instruct, to direct, to encourage individuals of all ages on the Importance of being a human being, bearing the Goal I chose for them to reach. It is called ‘Sainthood’.

Some say, ‘Father, no one would suspect I would be a Saint if it happened to me.’ I smile at this, because if I Willed it to be known, I would accomplish the Name to be outstanding and memorable for what it stood for.

Human life is a Gift of many facets of all I created. Human life, in its mentality, is capable of becoming a portion of so many various Gifts of My Divine Love, thus living in a manner and way, becoming part of different facets that are created to assist Me in guiding and guarding the Souls Who, at some time, will be exposed to what I Will them to see, to be a Part of, and to respond to Me.

The world of human life is gifted in many ways, and it is based on what an individual chooses to follow, to become a part of, or to reach for the Goal that awaits the Souls Here with Me.

Today is a day wherein millions of men, women and children lived and walked, using their daily habits and their intentions. I must say though, that all did not think that the day could be important in mentioning their love for Me, or just remembering to say a prayer as they think of Me.

Human life is Special in so many facets of What I have instilled in it, thus giving it the ability to understand and to focus on improving their time with Me, and/or their time with others like themselves in the human state of living.

I close My Words, but not My Love for the Gift of Hope that I instill each time a man, woman or child talks to Me.”