God The Father

God The Father
Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 24, 2006 at 9:54 am


“We are present, Both of Us, because We love this little one and because she supports what is good for the Souls of all human life.

It is so nice when We hear her encourage someone to receive The Holy Eucharist because of the Importance of It and the Divine Love in It, and the Reason for which It was created to be not just a Gift, but an Aid to give strength morally, psychologically, mentally, physically, for the benefit of the Soul that is so happy when the one in whom It is, has with them The Holy Trinity to share in a physical way, the Honor This Gift is, but also the Importance of the strength physically, spiritually that is within.

I will close, because the little one is always surprised when We speak, as she says, ‘so beautifully’, thus letting those present know The Gift that is being taken by each one is a Gift beyond what it is able to be told.”