The Angels

The Angels
A Saint

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 16, 1973 at 1:35 pm


“The Angels are singing a song of love.  The Angels are shouting Here Above for children who pay Homage to Him in a human way.  The Choirs are resounding throughout the Heavens Here, for in your little way, you have accepted God’s Will and you hold It dear.  To you, a small act is a big thing.  We smile and say, ‘It also is Here,’ for none of Us can perform in a way that The Father can or would, so everything that honors Him is great and He smiles and blesses every child, every Saint.

Children make songs up, and they love to hear the tune, the melody, the lyrics, the way.  And now The Angels will give you one to remember for all your days:

‘To hold His Hand should be every child’s wish.  To be guided by His Hand should be every child’s will.  To one day see His Face should be the Goal of the physical.

Let your daily way be this:  to live only within Him, to love only Him, to cherish only His Will and to be without sin.  Never procrastinate, never deliberate when He says, “My children, the time to do is now; the way to Here, My Will, so one day you will wear a Crown.”

You are loved more than you can know.  Cherish every act you are shown.  Be invincible in truth, in self–discipline, and fight so that your lives will bear much fruit.  We join in song, and with each act you perform, We walk along, though We cannot be seen by you, but you can be seen by Us, for, from Here, this privilege is God’s Touch.’ So be it.”