Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 15, 1971 at 2:00 pm


“The Oil you are so sure of is Mine; the texture of It, Heaven’s Design. The circumstances for It and under which It comes, is strictly Heaven’s Way of performing Miracles.

You sit, accepting such an Oil, not realizing the Magnitude of It, the purpose for It, the reason It has been given to you. It is a Divine Oil, it is a Strengthening Oil, it is a Powerful Oil, for all things such as This, that only Heaven can perform, have special reasons, special significance, and special ways that They are formed. Through the child’s hands the Miraculous Oil seeps. Many men will learn of It for It is no longer a secret.

As you are blessed on this day, be mindful of It every day. As you accept the Oil as truth, the touch of It is fact to you. So I raise My hand in Blessing, and through My Hand the Oil pours forth through the child for mankind, as a Sign of Truth, of Power, of Grace, of Love, of Worth. So be it for now.”