Saint Mary Magdalene

1st century AD

Saint Mary Magdalene

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 8, 1974 at 1:50 pm


“I am Saint Mary Magdalene. Oh, My children, if you but knew the Beauty Here in the Heavens, you would say each day, ‘God, I love You.’ And, I come today and I say, ‘How many hours during the day do you express your love for God in your little way?’ You are little, you know; you are sinful, you know. None of you are pure. You may want to be, but remember this: You must strive for this Great Grace, and unless you gain this you will not enter Heaven, for only Purity is Here.

So, you must make reparation. Make it now. Earn the Grace, for as you serve, with time, for The Father, What He gives you, you earn. It is Grace. But do not forget, when you cater to the evil one, there is a price to pay and you will pay it much. I say to you in Love and I say to you with Grace, ‘Remember to earn the Grace so you do not have to pay the price one day.’ So be it.”