Saint Boniface

c. 675 - 755

Saint Boniface

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 2, 1999 at 1:20 pm


“I am Saint Boniface. It is sad for Me to say that so little understanding radiates through intelligence of so-called ‘intellectual’ human beings. So much emphasis is placed on material matters for the physical aspects and knowledge that enters into the relationship of family, friends, co-workers.

Many times The Father points to One of Us and requests with Great Love, that through This Gift of His Love, He wants men, women and children to learn more about the Importance of human life, His Closeness to it, and that it has a Special Goal for it.

Very little sound instruction throughout the world is based on human life’s Association with The Creator, with Divine Love, and the Purpose for which human life was created. All ages are not being instructed by so-called ‘intellectual’ individuals regarding what a Treasure of Divine Love human life is, because of its intellectual abilities, and its other abilities to do so many things that a human body is gifted with.

Those who have requested to instruct others on spirituality, have in many ways ignored the Purpose for this Act of Divine Love, and in so many ways have dismissed their vocation and have become more humanistic in values, especially Spiritual values.

When Any of Us Here in the Heavens see men, women or children ignoring This Gift of The Father’s Love that is constantly encouraging, instructing, teaching, directing the human minds of human beings to more fully understand that human life is a Gift of Divine Love, because of the Soul that each human life is the custodian of, That Portion of human life is a Portion of The Divine and must be returned at a given time.

Think about this: When one human being borrows something from another human being, it is expected to be returned in the state it was given at that particular time. Does this not follow a pattern of the facts of life, the innate understanding in which life is instilled with logic, reasonability, practical in its full content? The Father expects each living human being to return the Soul at a given time, out of love, out of respect, out of hope, that That Soul is in a Pure State of Being, and will return to immediately be with The Divine Giver of Life, from Whence It came, from Where It came at another time.

All who take the Words directed through This Gift of The Father’s Love are Blessed in many ways, because All the Words that pass through one voice must pass through millions of minds, enlightening human beings, encouraging human beings of the Importance of the Soul that each one is gifted with, and that is a Portion of The Creator to be returned to Him. So be it.”