“Positively The Way”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 2, 1980


I. I Am The Lord Thy God; Thou Shalt Not Have strange gods Before Me.

“I must never put anything, anyone, above God.

I must never put anything before Him, in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions.

I must never allow myself to omit Him from my life.

I must never forget that He is my Creator, and ultimately the Judge of my salvation.”

II. Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain.

“I must never use foul language in God’s direction.

I must refrain from using impure words connected to His Name or with an emphasis on Him, whether it be in jest, in anger, in mere conversation.

His Name must never be tarnished by me in any of my thoughts, in any of my words, or in any of my actions, for I must never forget my actions speak, and are example to other men.”

III. Remember Thou Keep Holy The Sabbath Day.

“I must always remember a given time, an amount of time, must be dedicated in my honoring God, my Creator, my King.

I must return to Him in prayer, dedication, thanksgiving, communication, and love, the respect of observing Who He truly Is; who I am, His child.”

IV. Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother.

“I must remember to honor God openly and privately, as He is my Father, my Creator, my Judge.

I must respect and hold Him in a special place where others can imitate my feelings, my actions, my understanding of Him. I must be sure I reflect dignity, sincerity and respect for my earthly parents, plus all who are senior to me in authority and in stations of life that give sound order to my life.”

V. Thou Shalt Not Kill.

“I must remember to reach for purity so I will not kill my Soul and have It condemned to Hell for all eternity.

I must also remember to be aware that my actions, my works, my attitude, my personality, my words, my will, do not kill any part of another human being, whether it be their enthusiasm, interest, talents, direction, hope; also, their image in the eyes of other people.”

VI. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.

“I must never use my body or anyone else’s body in any form of impure actions or words.

I must hold God’s Purpose in mind in all my relationships with other human beings and never abuse intimacy, relationship, or the Purpose for which God created me.”

VII. Thou Shalt Not Steal.

“I must never steal from God through jealousy, impurity, possessiveness, another human being’s love for Him, desire to please Him, dedication, or commitment to Him.

I must never take from any other human being their right to use their own will in the manner they feel is just for them.

I must never steal possessions or misuse others’ belongings.

I must never be offensive or impure to other human beings, stealing their dignity, or well-being.”

VIII. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor.

“I must never lie about another human being, gossip, or degrade them.

I must never intimidate them in false, untrue, disgraceful situations.

I must never judge another human being, causing disgrace or harm.”

IX. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Wife.

“I must never encourage or partake in the wrong relationship with the husband or wife of any other human being.

I must never encourage intimacy or familiarity that will lead to sin, whether it be in the mind, in the intention, in the words, in the suggestion, or in the possessing of the whole of the person, in mind, in relationship, and in personal involvement.”

X. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Goods.

“I must never use, then keep another human being’s possessions.

I must never abuse another person’s possessions.

I must never take for granted that I have the right to own what belongs to someone else.

I must never omit the respect necessary for what another man has earned for himself. It is not my concern as to what determines his amount of possessions, saying to myself, ‘He’ll never miss this,’ or giving way to some weak excuse, justifying a wrongdoing, or taking.”