“?'s Good For The Soul”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 16, 1981


“What makes you laugh?

What makes you see red?

What makes you passive?

What makes you have anger?

What makes you relentless in your drive to accomplish?

What goals do you have?

How do you feel about other people?

How do you feel about God?

Do you feel your intelligence supersedes the conditions that you are faced with, the situations you are exposed to?

Do you find praying difficult?

Do you find your thinking superior?

Do you encourage others to avoid you?

Do you react to your responsibilities?

What standards do you set for yourself in cooperating with your family?

Do you ignore the authority of others in your home?

Do you feel superior to others in your home?

Do you express warmth to those who love you?

Are you capable of returning love to someone else?

Are you forgiving?

Are you insulting?

Do you feed others’ egos?

Do you want to be told how accomplished you are?

Do you live for compliments?

Do you perform well under stress?

Do you constantly feel that others get more attention than you?

Do you thrive on attention?

Are you bitter because of unpleasant disappointments?

Do you avoid facing facts, truth?

Are you congenial?

Do you impose unhappiness on others?

Are you selfish?

Do you have a nasty mouth?

Do you encourage hate?

Are you blind to correction?

Do you hate correction?

Are you critical and offensive?

Do you bargain for what you want?

Are you callous?

Are you calculating?

Are you a monopolizer?

Are you a manipulator?

Are you antagonistic?

Are you sadistic?

Are you cold?

Are you patronizing?

Are you compromising?

These questions have positive answers. They are also questions that have Soul-searching, personality-searching, nature-searching value to each of them. It would be wise for you to answer these questions honestly because each fault that you correct is Grace-giving and will be judged by God accordingly. Remember this.”