Saint Joseph,
The Holy Spirit

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 31, 1996 at 10:42 am


“I am Saint Joseph. I am The Holy Spirit. Mankind, in many areas of the world, refuses to believe This Miracle of Divine Love, wherein It explains to mankind the Importance of human life, and its Association to The Divine.

Mankind must understand the reality of how The Father Designed The Holy Family, and His Reasoning for Defining and Designing It in this way. There is one Statement that mankind says openly, but does not realize the Magnitude, the full perception of this Statement: First: The Immaculate Conception. Number Two, Second: I, as The Father in such a Conception, had to be of Divine Way. Mankind ignores This Important Statement, and has for a long time.

In order to justify My position as the Father, as the Husband, so that all things would look normal to mankind at that time, mankind must understand that The Immaculate Conception was put in this context after The Birth was evidenced by the kings and the shepherds. The star shone so brightly, Announcing the Coming of The Child, that had been secretly announced to some that a Savior would be born like no other man.

As I speak through this little one at this time, that in years has added up to several years, it is Important that This Time go down in History, evidencing so much Direction for the good of the individual Soul of every living human being.

At This Immaculate Conception, it was The Spirit of God that took the place of a human protector by the Name of ‘Joseph’.

The Father has given to the world in This Time, thousands and thousands and thousands of Stories, Information, not just to assist mankind in understanding the Importance of the Soul, but encouraging mankind to understand that the Soul is a Portion of God Himself, and though in the creation of mankind, outside of The Immaculate Conception, human life continues on through the union of man with woman, bearing the responsibilities of what is termed ‘married life’.

As This Miracle bearing My Name is transmitted through Words, through Writings, We find it not just sad that mankind cannot see what a Generous Gift This Miracle is, but there is so much evidence of jealousy, anger, abuse, and deliberate rejection of What This Miracle, bearing My Name, is instructing mankind on the benefit of the Soul that no human being is born without.

Each time The Father hands to the world a Gift of Great Perception, mankind boldly rejects It, ignores It, and refuses to accept the Importance in It, thus doing all they can to rob others of the Important Information that should be spread for the benefit of all of mankind. Today in this time of man, there are so many false ideals, ideas, practiced in the Name of God. There are so many false prophets loudly speaking their interpretation of what the past was all about, and how God, in many ways, is dealt with humanistically.

We hear so many rejections of What This Gift bearing My Name causes others to ignore This Miracle of Divine Love that is not just Inspiration, but Fact. We hear undue criticism based on little knowledge, much jealousy, and misinterpretation of the Importance of All of the Revelations that are meant to give Hope, Strength, Instruction and Purpose for each life, because man, created with a Soul, is above all other creations in the world, and mankind must understand that the Soul is a responsibility because It is a Portion of God, and no other living thing has It but human life. Human life has been given a mentality, the ability to exercise important actions through the mind. Mankind is a Special Creation.

There are so many who are interested in writing their ideas regarding Bible History. In some there are truths; in many, personal imagination. It is important that mankind understand that This Miracle of Divine Love is, in many ways, the closest Gift of God’s Love to The Immaculate Conception that mankind could ever receive, because God has given to mankind, through a small voice, Information, Direction, Hope, Love, that no one else would have the power to do, the creativity to do, the imagination to do.

It is important that This Miracle of Divine Love be spread throughout the world, ignoring all obstacles, all interferences, all rejections, all intimidations, all falsehoods. This Miracle has been upon the earth, in man’s time considered a long time, and It must saturate every area, because there are millions of Souls shouting to The Father that what is occurring is despicable, uncontrollable, and diabolical.”