Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 21, 2001 at 12:52 pm


“I am your Heavenly Mother.

It is very important that men, women and children of all ages, all backgrounds, learn more about the Purpose for which human life was created. Very little is being instructed by so-called ‘learned’ men regarding the Purpose for human life, and that the only part of it that ends is the physical.

The word ‘Heaven’ is casually spoken about, many times indirectly meant, regarding Its Very Existence, but all men, women and children should fully understand that the basic knowledge they have of human life tells them that human life has a Goal based on the Purpose for which it was created.

So many men, women and children carry books, supposedly on the subject of Spiritual understanding, teachings, theories, but the human mind has an innate understanding, whether it is openly expressed or not, that human life has a Goal.

Children are not being instructed on the importance of communication with The One Who created them. So much emphasis is placed on the humanistic role.

Today you live in an era of time that has a great sadness in it, even though it has great progress regarding talents of human beings. The world must understand, that is, the people in the world, that each day is a Gift of Divine Love, and should be understood as that, because each day basically gives more insight to the mind, that human life is Special and evidently has a Goal to attain.

This last Phrase of Mine is important, because it should be easy for human beings of all ages to understand more clearly that it is innate in human life to want to do things, learn things, practice what they’ve learned. The pride in learning or being able to express what one learns is good, because it strengthens how a human being thinks. There’s purpose to it, and there’s a form of success, giving to the mind a greater purpose.

I know I speak differently today, but everything that a human being has been gifted with can give to each human being more reason to fulfill obligations that are necessary, and to use what they know in a beneficial manner, way, degree. Let nothing go stagnant, because it has a purpose, a reason, a goal.

I speak differently today, because throughout the world there is so much waste of the human mind on areas that mean nothing, have no meaning, have no goal, and definitely have no purpose, not even to console the one that is practicing it.

Prayer is very important to human life, because through praying it develops more understanding of the communication between The Creator, The Saints, and the human being. It is one of the greatest reasons for prayer, communication, because the Soul of each human being, as a Portion of The Creator, through the prayers gives more strength to an individual’s way of life, because the prayer allows the Soul to be recognized. No foolish thinking does this, and very little other thoughts connect the Soul to what an individual uses for entertainment, or to be important to other people.

I know I have spoken differently, but it is important that the human minds of men, women and children be alert to all that is beneficial to their way of life, to their understanding of life, and of course, to the Goal for which the Soul will one day be the last Portion of human life, bearing the name of the one in whom It was placed a long time ago.

Those who take the Words that Everyone from Here speaks, are Blessed abundantly for their participation, cooperation, and Faith. So be it.”