“I am your Heavenly Mother. We All smile, listening to the conversation, bringing to mind the memory of so much that has occurred in This Gift of The Father’s Love, for all of mankind.
Today as I speak, it is with Deep Love for all of human life. It is important that those who follow the Will of The Father bear in mind that all they do, all they think, all they say, and the example they are to everyone else, leaves a Mark on their Soul for another time, another way.
Human life was created out of Divine Love, and all the Gifts of human life were to instill in the minds of human beings that they had a Goal to achieve, that nothing else was gifted with.
So many times an individual thinks about praying, but then forgets about it when they are interrupted by something careless, ridiculous, or just because they are distracted.
Today as I speak, I come through This Gift with more Love than any human being can fully understand. Human love was designed by The Father. It was designed after His Love, but of course, not to the Degree of His Love. Love for others, in the human way, has strength in it, purpose, and in many areas gives hope where there is weakness.
So little is talked about what human life is truly all about, and yet men, women and children live it every day. We hear some say, ‘I would be praying now, but I am so distracted by all I must accomplish, all I must do, or even say.’ Those who think this way should ask themselves: Would not it be wise, at a quiet moment, to remember a short gift of thanks, a word of love that no one would hear, and it would be quick to say instead of ignoring the fact that you have this ability, and it doesn’t take much time or privacy in the human way?
There is so much to be instructed to men, women and children. That is why This Gift of The Father’s Love was given at this time, because there are so many heresies, so much doubt, so much permissiveness, and so many sins of the flesh, of the body, of the mind, causing the Soul much harm.
We hear some say, ‘If I have a Soul, why can I not see It, or feel It?’ Through your mentality, you know what is pure over what is impure on all subjects. You were given the Gift of being able ‘to choose’, not just accept.
As I leave on this day, always remember I am not far away, because if there were one million minds thinking of Me, I have the Privilege, the Ability, and The Divine Love to hear what each one will say.
As I close My time with you now, I beseech you to look at each day as a day closer to becoming ‘a Saint’, because the time of the day, what you do, what you say, is always recorded in Divine Way.”