Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 1, 1969 at 11:30 am


“The Cross of Calvary was set aside by men after the act of the Crucifixion. Man said, ‘It is over, it is done,’ and God said, ‘I have offered My Son in this way. It is the beginning for man.’

Through the years of time, there have been many men who have looked to the Cross that once was, and it has given them great solace, strength, and courage to go on, and a Purpose for life. The Cross that the Human Form of Jesus hung on, began as a tree on earth. This tree had also been created by God. This knowledge alone should suffice in the knowledge of truth that God The Father created All Things, even to the Cross that His Beloved Son was nailed to for the Salvation of man. What a mockery that some men feel so powerful, and as they stand as men, are so small.

I ask three children in My Presence here to pray and to contemplate on the Wounds My Son suffered for you. So little seems to be made of These Wounds. It is time for man to realize the pain He endured for them. A Great Light must shine one day soon. Pray much, so when It does shine, you will be conditioned to It, for It, and My Way, and It will not blind you.

I hold each of you close to Me and I say, ‘Do not let time slip away before you follow My Words.’