Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 10, 1971 at 2:25 pm


“A long time ago a group gathered, ready to listen to Words, to Teaching, to a Dramatic Moment of Love. The Table was set by man for the purpose of repast, of sacrifice. In this setting, the ones who participated did not realize, did not know the true significance of this Table or what Blessings it bestowed.

The men gathered, chatted, and then the One Who led took hold; and first He sat, discussing many things, and then He stood, giving an Ultimate Food. As He raised the Bread He firmly said, ‘I give My Body to you and to all men.’ As He raised the Wine, He openly declared, ‘As you drink, It is I, the Blood of My Veins, the Truth of My Way, the Purpose of My Life.’

The repast was the Ultimate Gift for mankind. At the time, the Apostles were aware that what was happening was rare, but would be carried on through time.

You, My children, are the descendants of these men and are the recipients of the Power, of the Gift that was then. It is ultimately a fusion of bodies, a Transfusion for life to all men. As The Divine mingles with the natural, it is God’s Plan. As the Body and Blood of The Supernatural is infused in the body and blood of man, there is much Grace given to withstand the blows of evil and the weaknesses of man. No Greater Gift is yours, no Greater Love is yours. Oh yes, My children, it is God’s Love for you.

Teach this to all men. Stand up to the Truth of It before all men. Give These Words to all the men who follow in this way. Let them know that the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass is the same as it was done long ago; same Truth, same Greatness, same Beauty, same Plan: The One God, The One Son, The One Holy Ghost, in The Trinity as One.

Be Blessed by this day, be Blessed by These Words, be Blessed by the Truth that Heaven delivers to you. So be it.”