Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 16, 1971 at 8:05 pm


“You are never alone. I am always ready to speak to you, to answer your prayers and to show My Love to you. You are never without My Grace. Any act of love, of kindness, you perform with Me in mind, or My Plan in mind, I shower you with This. It is as rain from a cloud. You cannot see Grace, you cannot feel Grace, but Grace is Reward from The Divine.

Children neglect the asking for Grace, the accepting of Grace, the acknowledgment of such a Divine Gift. It is rarely taught to children now. It is not a thing of the past; it is as real as The Trinity.

As I speak to children which The Father created, I speak with Direction for each one here. I speak with inflection on Important Words I want you to remember from These Words I say:

First: Walk each day totally in Honor, in dedication of The Trinity.

Two: Do not make excuses for not praying, for not receiving The Holy Eucharist, for not contributing to God’s Will.

Three: Do not fall by the wayside. Do not be tempted by weaknesses of others. Stand firm, stand strong, stand in dignity, always dismissing wrong.

Four: Be alert to what is truth and how many things can cause you to gain Grace. There are many, My children. Some are easy, some more difficult, but all are available to you.

Five: Never be without the Holy Rosary in a pocket on your person somewhere. It is the greatest weapon against the enemy of Us.

Heaven is not a myth, but a reality for all men. As you sit in the design of man, a comfortable position, you sometimes make excuses to not stand and perform in God’s Plan. Make it a point to be more energetic in helping others understand there are many needs in the physical life; understand that children of all ages need strength, firmness, guidance, truth, a solid stand for God’s Plan. Be wise to the needs that are not obvious but are subtle in many ways.

There are thousands of children of all ages using promiscuity, accepting weakness, and professing ignorance as to what life is all about. They are causing indignities to many Souls. There are many men who do not care what price a child will have to pay for committing sin, to their profit. You have no conception of the sins surrounding you from children who have been led by evil men.

There are young girls who need to know the truth, the way, the purpose of how to live. There are many Men of God who need your strength to stand up before men. There are many children, little ones, being taught that the ‘fun life’ is easy, and you are in a race against others to see who can gain the most, who can enjoy the most, and who can be the most prominent individuals known.

My daughters, if I were to list the sins that are being committed at this very moment, you would hide in shame. You would vomit your insides out, they are so grave, so horrible.

Please do not ignore My Words, do not sidestep the wishes at hand. Help mankind reach Here. Help children to know that We are Here. Give strength, be example, be loving, be in kindness, be in trust. Paint a picture with a path of truth. No artist is capable of painting the truth. Truth is how you live, how you accept your way, how you accept Faith, how you indulge in the Beauty of Faith.

My daughters, I am The Son of The Father, and I come to you today to give you These Words through The Miracle Of Saint Joseph. As I was Man, He was My Father; as I am in the Heavens, I am His Father. He stands in the Greatest Power of Sainthood. He has been obedient in His time, by His Example of Truth. So be generous, be sensible, be loving, be giving, be sincere, be in trust, be truthful; it is a must.

I bless you with the Love of The Holy Trinity. So be it from Above.”