“Man says, ‘Watch out when you cross the street.’ God says, ‘Watch out when you sin, when you think of sin.’ Oh, My children, man is cautious sometimes in the wrong way, sometimes for the wrong things, sometimes in the wrong manner, sometimes for the wrong purpose, sometimes out of fear. You must understand, My children, that your daily way of life is one in which you must walk with caution, but with Faith. So often children misuse the Gift of Faith.
I, Saint Joseph, speak firmly today, lovingly, and with Direction. Heaven is speaking to you through Me, a Saint; and I, in turn, speak through this child to reach you in a personal vein.
Do not walk in the shadow of others, for as you do you may imitate, you may follow the wrong things. Do not walk in such darkness but walk and see. Do not be dragged into the abyss of Hell by wishful thinking, wrong desires, or by holding tight to things you think are right.
Those you truly love should have the freedom to love you, the freedom to say what they think, so you can help them with knowledge, through wisdom, with love. You see, God works this way. He gives a child a chance to think and then He gives the child a chance to decide. All children do not make the correct decision, but The Father is always ready to give a hand to help the child. You are His children. Those you love are His children. He uses you to direct them His Way, as I use the child to give you My Words. Do you understand?
Never think of totally what could be, but of what must be. Do not anticipate the wills of others. Be conscious of your will and what it must do to perform correctly.
Oh, My children, there are so many facets to this physical life. There are so many things that should be changed by you, and yet there are so many things that should be allowed by you. Your everyday direction can be governed by The Father if you will but allow Him to do it. Look to your Soul, look out for It. Help It grow in Grace, in Beauty, in Love. Do not let fear overtake you. Do not let anxiety overpower you and do not let lonesomeness be mistaken as the only way.
I bless you, My children, with much Love. I bless you with Truth, with Faith. Take each day, one by one, and as you do make no mistake, that you must hold God’s Hand all the way. So be it.”