Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

1647 - 1690

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 23, 1974 at 11:16 am


“My beloved children, I am Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. I speak through this child and I smile at each of you and I say, ‘A Heart has been given today, but not the heart as you know a heart to be, but the Heart of Direction for each of thee, for through the beat of the heart God gave you, the Love He extended through Great Mysteries, for you.’

Men say, ‘Mysteries, there is no mystery to a birth.’ There is no joy unless you see the Magnitude in it. Oh, My children, be aware of the Mystery of Heaven, The Holy Trinity, and when you do, know that there is a Heart Here that beats loud and each day for you.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted from This Heart, but know, that as The Commandments are for you the Guidelines to the Glorious Way, bear in mind, that the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary keep you in tune with the Beat of His Heart, the Way of His Love, and the Beauty that only He can give to you.

So, do not dismiss the Mysteries of Love, the Mysteries of Hope, and bear in mind, the Joyful have a special meaning, because through your birth, you walked a parallel of Him; and through the Sorrowful ones, that interlude, that beautiful time when you can gain Grace abundantly; and then, one day, that Glorious time that you will face Him in The Divine.

So bear in mind, My little ones, the Ten Commandments are His Gift to you; the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, His reminder to you that you are walking a human path. They did, too. So be it.”