Saint Alphonsus Liguori

1696 - 1787

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 12, 1993


“Tonight I have allowed you to be able to see This Beautiful Miracle from a very human aspect, because Everything that has been delivered through It for the benefit of all of mankind, is understandable, and it is for men, women and children to be able to live a normal human life and yet understand the importance of Faith in God, obedience to God, and understanding the Importance of human life because of that Special Gift of Divine Love within each human life, the Soul.

As I speak through one such as you, she repeats My Words exactly as I speak Them. There are so many areas of This Beautiful Miracle that have given mankind a strength that nothing else could give, a Hope, a Purpose. In the Instructions in so many of the Revelations and the Teachings that have passed through This Miracle, it has not cut out one segment of mankind. It has given something for all types of personalities, all areas of work life, all degrees of education, and of course, all areas of Faith in a Higher Being.

As the sun stands in the sky, The Father controls the rays of the sun, the degree of light that burns within it. As the moon stands high in the sky, The Father also controls this, as the whole universe is controlled by a Power unknown to man. Man says, ‘I want to know what it’s like out there, what it’s all about, what I can do to learn more about it.’ The Father allows a degree of information, a degree of experimentation, because The Father does not hold mankind helpless. It is mankind who holds mankind helpless.

The enemy of God works constantly, consistently, to interfere with all that is beautiful, all that is good, all that is directed to The Divine. The enemy is bigger than man knows, but he has no control over the universe.

When you see someone become jealous over some incidental happening, it is oftentimes very discouraging to you, it’s disrupting to many areas of life. Imagine the jealousy, the hate, the envy of the enemy of God and of man, and yet he cannot control you. Imagine the power that he radiates to get his way, to capture your heart, your will, your life, your Soul, but he cannot do this without your permission.

It is important for you to understand this. It is important for you to realize every day of your life that you have control of what you are, who you are, what you’re all about, and yes, your destiny, the destiny of your Soul.

Man says, ‘I think much about what they call “afterlife”.’ I, Saint Alphonsus Liguori say: ‘There is no afterlife, there is Life to look forward to. It’s a Life beyond the life you have, a Life beyond the life you know, a Life that has no sickness, no ills, no hate, no despair, no unhappiness. Reach for It as your Goal, because It will be given to you through your Soul.’

There is so much man must begin to understand about the human way of life. It is a time of thanksgiving, and returning to God that Precious Gift of Divine Love, the Soul.

Man says: ‘I work every day, I earn money. I must earn money. It is a way of life. I need it for life.’ Man must work every day for the benefit of his or her Soul. It is much easier than working for another human being, because you have control, you have the ability to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ You have the ability to accept right or wrong. You are free to make choice.

Man cannot know the beauty of human creation because man is too busy living the daily way of life, concerned about so many things surrounding every day: disappointments, unhappiness, the happiness, the joy, the love, the loss of love. I want you to know on this night that the Love The Father has for you, as you are the custodian of a Portion of Him, is a Love beyond what you know love to be. Be aware of all things that you do, you say, you hear, and that you are example of.

Many times you are Blessed during the day, a Blessing perhaps that you do not see nor do you hear It, nor do you feel It, but It is there. It’s a Blessing The Father allows to give you the strength, to give you the courage to make the right choice, to not feel despair, but to feel hope. You must live every day with hope, and as you do, it will give you strength.

It is so sad to see those who feel no hope. They feel only unhappiness, because within them they are void of that beautiful Gift of love for God. It’s available to all of mankind. Be sure you cherish it, and be sure that you use each day to develop it to a higher degree, for the benefit of your Soul. So be it.”