“I am Saint Jude Thaddeus. Many pray to Me for impossible gifts. I always smile at this. The Father is The True Dispenser of impossible gifts.
Mankind must understand prayer is a Special Plan of The Father’s, because the word alone says, ‘This communication is meant to be straight to Heaven to the One I choose to hear it.’ The Father smiles and says, ‘Your Faith is beautiful to see, your belief that your prayer will be answered is your Sign of Divine Love.’
My Name to many only bespeaks impossible. I ask you today to think of it more this way: All is possible, and all prayers are heard; never does one go astray. Heaven is a reality, just as earth is a reality. Communication with others as you are is a reality. Communication with All of Us Here in Heaven is as this, a reality like you have where you are.
Human life is not always the way you would like it to be. Every day is not a day to be remembered ecstatically, but remember this: that you have the opportunity in your daily way of life, to speak to each other, to speak to Us. You are never alone, though you may think you are. Our Presence is ever present, Our hearing you is immediate.
Mankind talks of loneliness. Many fear it, but they put it in the category of human flesh, and forget to put it in the category of Divine Love. No human being is ever alone, because of that Precious Gift of Divine Love, the Soul. Loneliness, to mankind, is to feel no presence of another life. We understand this, but if you will but remember, that through that Living Portion within you, there is a Living Portion of The Father inside you.
This Precious Gift of Divine Love, called ‘The Miracle Of Saint Joseph’, has revealed logic in so many areas. Why would God create man and let him be all alone? The Father’s Plan was complete and must never be ignored. It is sad to say, many times those who shout, ‘I believe in the Lord,’ are ignorant of That Portion of The Father that resides within them, called ‘the Soul’.
As I leave you at this time, you can be assured We are always listening, We are always aware, you are always in Our Sight, because as your Soul is What It is, the Communication is always present. So be it.”