Saint Alphonsus Liguori

1696 - 1787

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 1, 1999 at 1:38 pm


“I am Saint Alphonsus Liguori.

Man says, ‘Silence is golden.’ We say, ‘It is important to use one’s ability of speech regarding subject matter that encourages, enlightens, and gives hope on the subject of one’s Future.’ Some say, ‘What do You mean by Future?’ All The Saints Here in the Heavens standing by Me now want Me to say, ‘The Future for every human life is to be returned to The Creator of life, a Saint, because of the Soul that every human being is the custodian of at the moment of his or her conception.’

As it is innate in human life to look for a goal, it is because of the innate feeling that there has to be a goal to work for, to earn, to represent what an individual is, has practiced, and has accomplished. Of course, the Goal for human life is ‘Sainthood’. In so many areas of so-called ‘religious training, Spiritual training’, very little emphasis is put on the Future of one’s life, the Importance of the Future, the Purpose for the Future, the Reality of the Future, and that is to become ‘a Saint’.

Mankind should look at this subject matter and accept the importance of it, the Love that is in it, because to look forward to nothing would have no hope in it, and yet The Father of All human life, All creations, has given to human life a Future, a Goal, a Responsibility, and a Personal Gift of Divine Love, through the Soul that is to be returned to Him in Purity at a given time.

Everything that is spoken through This Gift of Divine Love is not just a story to be remembered, but an Important Message of Fact, of Value, to encourage men, women and children to seek out the Greatest Gift they can reach for. There is no price tag. It is earned by one’s actions, thoughts, deeds, practices, and how an individual uses the human way, directing everything to becoming ‘a Saint’.

Criticism on this Point is a sadness; also, questioning this Point of Divine Love does not help an individual grow morally, spiritually, because in doubt there is oftentimes misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misguidance, no hope. All of The Saints Here Where I am speak frequently, and do not ask for the Words to be written, but what They Will to be seen and to be example, passes through the individual who respects what life is all about, and who innately realizes that life in the human form is a Gift of Divine Love.

I do not stand in a courtroom to talk to you, I do not stand on the pulpit to preach to you, I no longer stand in the physical way, but through The Blessing of The Father’s Love, I reach you with Words to help you better understand that each day you live you are responsible for. It would be wise to use each day aware of your Soul, and give to your Soul the privilege of returning to The Creator from Whom It came. So be it.”