Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 22, 1988 at 1:45 pm



If I were to write you a letter and you were to show this letter to someone else, I am sure many different reactions would occur. First of all, others would say, ‘God wouldn’t write you a letter.’ I smile at this for there have been millions of Words written by Me through human means, for many, many, many centuries in man’s time.

I once again come openly to the world and deliver sound basic Principles for living, sound basic Rules for how to live, and expressing the sound basic Purpose for the physical life, to return to Me that Portion of you, your Soul, for All Eternity.

Men speak My Name in vain. Men jest over what I would do, what I would not do. Many men use Who I Am to get what they want from others. Whether or not men, women or children understand or believe in what I might do at a given time, in a manner that would be termed not likely to happen from Me, I say to you now, ‘It is I Who am speaking These Words.’

No matter what is taught to you, remember the basic Rules for a pure life, for a pure state of being, so that your decisions will be based on obedience to My Will, no matter what anyone thinks, says or does.

There are so many ways I have expressed My Love to mankind since I have created mankind. There are so many areas of the physical life that have great importance to Me. You are consciously aware of some of them and sometimes unconsciously aware of many of them, but it is innate in your being that I truly Exist and that one day We will come Face to face in a manner, in a place, in a degree that at that time you will understand The Magnificence of All I Am About, All I wished for you, and All the Gifts of Divine Love that have been stored by Me for you, through your acts, your actions, your thoughts, your words and your deeds.

My Love for you is beyond your ability to love. Your obedience to Who I Am, What I Am, and My Purpose for you, is special to Me. Bear in mind, purity of mind, body and Soul is all I ask of you, for if you strive to accomplish this small thing, My Divine Love for you will embellish all you accomplish, and the Final Act of Glory will be the rejoining of your Soul with Me for All Eternity.”