God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 10, 1974 at 8:30 pm


“A cone, on the upper portion, has a wider span than at the foot of it, the bottom of it. The top will hold many things and many things can be held within the cone. I encircle this child with the Cone of My Power. At the bottom of it is the child. At the top of it is the Beauty of the Heavens, the Goal of Sainthood, and I add, the weight of the world upon this child. Through the cone, many events take place. Much progress is when the child draws all things to where she is, for as she stands at the foot of the cone, she is the brace that holds the cone in place. She is the instrument of this Great Miracle, and through her I pass the Winds of the Power of Grace.

So as I bless each child in the world, I say, ‘As you become closer to the cone that I have placed upon the earth, bear in mind that you are in the Winds of My Power from The Divine, and the base that I have placed this Great Love on is a child who stands for The Divine.’ She stands for a Miracle, in the core of It, and as she does, she stands in total submission to the Wind of the Power that draws her around in a circle, up the middle, back to the base, always holding all things in place. So I bless you, My children, with the Wisdom through which this child stands, to give to the world both of My Hands. So be it.”