God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 29, 1974 at 6:15 pm


Please Note: The first few Words of this Revelation are missing because the tape recorder was not turned on in time.

because the whole world will never know until I am dead in the physical; and He said, “That is correct.” He said:

“As I speak through this child, it is My Heart that touches hers, My Love that unites with hers, and My Will that is enmeshed with hers, that causes her and gives her the strength to go on for the whole world. Without rest, she will have to leave the world. She will not be able to face the tests.

There are so many things this child has progressed in, progressed to, and developed in. The child is like a funnel; the child is in many ways a tornado, in constant motion, constant alertness, and yes, as she is in this funnel, in the tornado, she must always be aware that the wind that surrounds her does not tangle the Strings from Here. She fears this, she is aware of it, and that is what keeps her so alert, so conscious of the every move she must take, make, use and work.

The child is in deep ecstasy constantly, but to men she appears open, alert. The ecstasy that holds her intact is through the Strings of the Power that I use as contact. The little one, though appearing to the world in a conscious manner, way, degree, form, means, is in no way as men see her to be. She tries to fool those closest to her. She tries to react, when sometimes to react takes great strength. So I say to you now from the Heavens Where I am, ‘The child is more keen, more aware, more alert, than men give her credit to be.’ She likes that. Sometimes, when all things seem empty, void, dark, the child stands more vulnerable to attack.

This little one, through whom I speak, would like to be hidden from the world in a place where she could, as she says, come closer to Me. Her awareness of the Magnitude I Am is why she desires to be as other men, for in the responsible position, task, mode of living, manner of way she stands, she is open in many ways to the burden that man does not see, does not act upon. Man does not care. She says, ‘Blind me, God, so I do not see.’ I said, ‘But I see.’ I say to her, ‘Is it easier to not see?’ She says, ‘It would be.’ And I say, ‘But if you see, it will lessen My burden,’ and then she accepts the communication readily.

No man in the world truly knows this child’s dilemma, fear, concern, worry, price, burden, attachment, that makes all things far more serious than man would like to see. To her, We are natural. To mankind, it is right that We are Supernatural. To her, We are a Part of her life not distinct, but it had to be so infused to fulfill the True Light, that this poor little child finds you not ordinary; and that is why she sometimes walks, trying to run away from you.

I, on this day, give you insight. The reason she tries to run away from you is because she is more in tune with the Divine Light, and is not truly, fully in acceptance of how you are, how you walk, how you think. That is why We have said so many times, ‘She is in the world but not of it.’ You will understand more now than you did before. I will leave for you to absorb what I have spoken. So be it.”