Saint Peter Canisius

1521 - 1597

Saint Peter Canisius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 5, 1975 at 9:58 pm


“Children in the world, I am Saint Peter Canisius. I have spoken before through this child and I have delivered Messages to give understanding, and yes, Teaching that would be to the advantage of the children listening. I come from the Heavens with Words in the Power of God’s Way and through the Power of His Love for all men in your day.

Tonight this child has been faced and will be faced with more, perhaps men call it ‘decision’, but The Father calls it ‘trust in Divine Love’. Men love differently than the Love of The Father. His Love for mankind is without thought of Himself, only that children will reach Him in The Divine. His Love is to help children strive for the purity needed to attain the Goal of Sanctity.

Through this child, decisions must be rendered, decisions must be faced, decisions must be not contemplated, but firmed, so that other men will begin to see the beauty of being one of the human race. Men do not understand the greatness of being men, the privilege it is, and yes, the beauty of the faculties that men have, to work and to honor, to serve and to love, and to give time to The Father Who is Above.

This child walks in a conscious way, conscious of a Higher Way, conscious of Divine Love, Hope; conscious that she walks in a Divine Trinity, totally in the Will of The Father, doing all things in His Name. Men try to distract her, men try to draw her away from the decisions that she knows must be made. All these decisions are not easy for this child, for she knows they will inflict and conflict with men in many ways. Soon many decisions will have to be rendered through her for the benefit of many ways, for perhaps not this moment but time to be, time to come, so that men will be able to establish a fact, the groundwork for other things to be.

The child is being instilled with other things on this night. She knows this, for in the instilling, in the preparing, she will have to face great men of great places, with the stability of standing for The Father, in love and in tune with His Grace. This child has a burden beyond man’s dream, scheme, theme, knowledge, capabilities, understanding, and yes, comprehension. But, the child, totally dependent upon The Father, knows that as she stands in the open question way, having to render these decisions, she must lean upon what The Father says and she must accept any problem that men give or say.

The child has been prepared in a very intricate, unique way, totally for Divine Will to come into play for the good of the world. Men, if they were stood side by side, would not be able to make the decisions that this child must in the coming days, for men would say, ‘Is it practical for me?’ And the child must say to The Father, ‘Is it logical for the good of the child? Is it in Your Will, for Your Way, and through Your Divine Love, that this decision must be made?’

I, Saint Peter Canisius, say to you now, ‘Pray for this child who stands on a tightrope across the ravine, for many things will be about to be done, because she will have to have the courage to stand openly.’ So be it.”