Saint Irenaeus

c. 130 AD - c. 202 AD

Saint Irenaeus

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 16, 2000 at 1:08 pm


“I am Saint Irenaeus.

This Gift of Divine Love in which so Many of Us have the privilege to speak Words of Direction, of Concern, of Divine Love, is constantly delivering to mankind Words The Father Decrees are important for all ages of human life to read, and to use as Guidelines for daily life.

One small voice is the deliverer of All These Words of Hope, Love, Direction, Concern, because a small voice to mankind is easier to handle, easier to understand, because the Words that flow through it are Evidence that it is a Higher Degree dictating the Words, not needing to expound. The Content is Pure in Thought, Direction, Purpose, Love, and Goal.

True, Each of Us Who speak through one small voice, are directed by The Father to speak in a manner understandable, bearing much Direction for the good of each one’s Soul.

Human life must remember that as each day arises, and folds into association with other human beings, the physical contact, the mental contact, the verbal contact, joins human beings together, and through this connecting link of listening, of speaking, there is much to be thought about, much information to be looked at as being good, practical, enjoyable, or profitable. Now, each of these words has a particular gain to them, because oftentimes, in what mankind would call ‘mere conversation’, there is much to be learned, or sometimes much to be cast aside if it is not pure in its meaning.

Animals have communication, but it is far from the communication that human life is capable of. Human life has been gifted with a Goal. It is through the physical and the mental actions that human life decides which goal it desires to reach: One with Great Honor, Hope, and pleasing to The Father, or a goal that is sad for each Soul.

In daily life this is rarely thought about, and that is why This Gift of The Father’s Love is so Important. It is in so many ways reiterating the importance of purity in the mind, of the mind, in the speech, with the speech, in every action, with every action, the Dignity, the Love, and the Purpose for which human life was created above all other living matter or things.

As Each of Us Saints receives the privilege to speak through one voice, and request that What We speak be put into script, for hopefully millions of others to read the Words direct, and better understand the Importance of human life, the Dignity in which it was created, and of course, the Goal for the Soul that nothing else is privileged to have.

As I leave you today I bless you, and in My Words of Blessing, it is My Hope, My Wish, closely connected to The Father’s Will, that each Soul that puts into script My Words, and each Soul who will be the recipient of These Words, will one day return to Heaven. So be it.”