Saint Joseph,
The Holy Spirit

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 13, 2000 at 1:32 pm


“I am Saint Joseph. This Gift of The Father’s Love that bears My Name is of the Utmost Importance to all age groups, all types of human beings, all backgrounds, and yes, all so-called ‘denominations of Faith in The Creator’.

The world has been Blessed abundantly by This Gift that bears My Name.

Perhaps some individuals will find the Words repetitive in content, but they must remember that repetitiveness helps the brain retain important facts, on important issues, for important reasons, because oftentimes when a subject is spoken and there is no backup to the subject, no full degree of understanding delivered, the subject loses its worth.

Today, as each day is, is important, because in each day the Souls of all living human beings are subjected to many forms of diabolical facts and impure meanings.

This Gift of Divine Love that has been given to human beings of all ages, must never be set aside or cast aside because of indifference. All that has been delivered through so Many Saints Here in the Heavens must be scattered throughout the world.

The time is of great importance that each human being lives each moment of every day, and it is sad to see so many important moments be used to please the enemy, rather than to please The One Who Created All Things.

As I leave you, I beseech you to use All that has been delivered through This Gift that bears My Name, because All of the Heavens have come forth, not always mentioning Their Names, but many times in mere conversation, speak through this little one, implanting important Facts for others to remember and to use when they are in the presence of those who could not handle the Fact that the Words being spoken were delivered by a Saint in Heaven.

Today should be the beginning of a new pact that you accept with your Creator, and that is to help save Souls so that He will receive Them, in a Pure State, back. So be it.”