God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 6, 2001 at 11:27 am


“I am God The Father.

It is impossible for many men, women and children to believe that I would speak so openly at this time. Most of what they understand about Me has been put into script, due to many things that occurred in the past.

It is important that all of human life fully understand that in My Creation of human life, it was All in Divine Plan.

There are so many Important Things that must be revealed to those who are not close here at hand. That is why I have directed All The Saints Who are Here with Me to partake in delivering Words of Direction, Correction, so that human life would understand, as each day occurs, they are responsible to Me for the Soul that I placed within them, a Portion of Me.

Nowhere in the world is there a Gift such as This is, announcing, instructing mankind of all ages, the Importance of human life, the Goal that awaits it from Me. I use one voice, because too many voices would confuse the Importance of What I deliver for the Souls of millions of My Creation that bear a Portion of Me, called ‘the Soul’.

Many Here in the Heavens want to speak through This Gift, because of the Importance of Its Content and Its Goal. Be aware constantly in whatever you do or say, that you are the custodian of a Portion of Me, and are to never mar that Soul. So be it.”