Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 11, 2001 at 1:00 pm


“As The Son of The Father, I have Several Names.

It is important that all men, women and children understand the Words that have been given to man, and These Words are ‘Holy Trinity’.

‘The Sign of The Cross’ has a very special definition to It, because It is the Manner and the Way that The Second Person of The Holy Trinity openly expressed, and gave Hope, regarding the importance to mankind of all ages being aware, and understanding that as The Father Exists, The One Who created All things, there was a Portion of Him that came to the earth in the form of a ‘man’, so that all who would follow in this manner of living could relate to Him, and then through these Two Major Facts, The Holy Spirit of Light, Enlightenment, shown through Them, Their Connection to man.

In the Creation of human life there was a Divine Plan. The Heavenly Three, as They are known to be, wanted to share the Importance, the Love, the Purpose and the Hope, in which, through which, and by which, so much is revealed.

Mankind only counts two centuries of human life. There were more, but it is important now that through This Gift of Divine Love, that human life understand that in the Creation of human life there was a Divine Plan, Higher than any other plan, because in this Creation, The Father wanted to share the Beauty, the Greatness, and the Love that was innate in Who He was, because He was More than man.

I speak These Words through one small voice. There is no need for Them to be shouted, because the logic in Them radiates in the meaning of Them, through all the abilities and the conscious knowledge that human life has.

The Creation of human life was from a Higher Plan. Yes, a Portion of The Creator is placed into each human conception, giving to the conception the ability to better understand there is a Goal for human life when human life comes to an end.

So many Stories have been written, and so much good intention was involved, but through This Miracle of Divine Love that bears the Name of The Holy Spirit, human life has been given an exceptional degree of Information, allowing human beings of all degrees of intellect to more personally understand what a close Association they are to The Holy Trinity.

As I leave you, I leave you only in a manner of verbal obvious Communication, but you are to remember that there is no moment in life that you are not close to Where I Am. So be it.”