
1st century AD


Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 6, 2002 at 12:53 pm


“My Name as you know it to be, is ‘Jesus’.

I have rarely spoken in this way regarding My Name, but when you bow your head and say a prayer, asking for My Intercession on any issue that is important to you, I care.

The world has been Blessed abundantly. This Statement has been made over and over again, because at this time so much is being delivered and has been, regarding the Importance of human life and the Goal for which it is and was created, having a Portion of It within it, of Divine Love, Divine Will, called ‘the Soul’.

Children are not being instructed properly on the Importance of being a human being. There is so much laxness on this subject, and so much reluctance to bring this subject up, making the excuse of the ages that individuals feel are too young to understand. This, of course, in the language of man, is ‘ridiculous to use’.

Today as I speak, I speak with Deep Love for human life because within it, it has a Portion of The Creator of All Things. The beat of the heart is important to human ways, the importance of food is important to human ways. The list is endless, because human life, as it was designed to be, has a Portion of The Creator that is to be returned at a given time.

Now, this Portion is not like the flesh of life or any other physical portion of life. This Gift of Divine Love is Greater than the human mind can perceive It to be, because It is a Portion of The Creator of All Things: the world, the atmosphere, also the air you breathe, and do not forget, all that exists that looks important, such as other planets, and also the sun and the moon, protecting human life in a Heavenly Way, important to human life.

I could speak hours on All The Father Wills for human life, because this creation has a Soul, and the Soul within each human being wants to return to The Creator Pure in how It was first placed at the moment of conception.

My Words are different today, but I beseech those who read Them to remember: When the time comes and The Father Wills your physical to stop, always remember the Spiritual returns to Him. It is your Soul, and in this manner of movement, the mind of the human way is thankful for having been born a human being.”