Saint Maria Goretti

1890 - 1902

Saint Maria Goretti

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 5, 2002 at 12:51 pm


“I am Saint Maria Goretti. Many do not know Me as a Saint, but today I speak as a Saint. The Father has allowed it.

The little one, the instrument that is used to repeat Our Words that give hope, strength, courage, perseverance, and more love for The Divine, because it is The Father’s Will that she be used according to His Manner, Degree, Way, instructing clearly what He Wills her to say.

There are Several surrounding Me as I speak, All happy to hear the Words The Father Decrees to be.

Throughout the world there is a great need for This Gift of Divine Love to spread rapidly. There are too many delays, and this must cease. As I speak to you now, there are human beings throughout the world that need to know of This Gift of The Father’s Love wherein so much is instructed, alerting the human minds of so many to more fully understand what a Close Association The Creator is to man.

Ask yourself: Do you each day greet The Father, The Heavenly Mother, in a manner of personal communication, reminding Them you are aware of Their Presence and Divine Way? So many, reading These Words, will not understand the importance They are to man, because throughout the world it is not as you feel it is regarding prayer from human beings, daily recognizing The Divine in Its Importance to the human mind and way. If I were to give you the count on how many human beings of all ages did not for one moment, on awakening, remember to pray, to speak The Father’s Name first, or speak to an Angel or a Saint. To the average human life, human being, remembering what a Blessing each day is, is obsolete.

The Father has given a Gift far greater than the human mind can comprehend It to be. He has given them a Gift of Instructions easily understandable, encouraging them to more fully understand the True Existence of Saints that at one time walked the human road as man.

If I were to give you a count on how many human beings of all ages began today with a prayer, the figure would be so low, because so few greet The Father or The Heavenly Queen the first thing when they awaken.

Children are not being instructed on the importance of thinking about The Creator, The Heavenly Queen, or some Saint that has drawn their attention to Them, trying to help them more fully understand that there is an Existence beyond human life that is Greater, because It is connected to The Creator of All Things.

I will close My Words, because what I have spoken covers many areas of life, important to the mentality, the physical, and of course, the Spiritual needs that are evident. Many Saints request The Father every day to speak, but They want those who are still in the living state to realize the Importance of human life, and that it has a Goal that is important to their Soul for another time.

If We were to take an accounting, and give it to you to put into script, regarding how many men, women and children, upon their greeting a new day, said a prayer of thanks, you would be shocked at the low figure you would hear spoken about. So as I close My Words, hopefully I have reminded those who will read What has been put into print, the importance of communication every human being has to become ‘a Saint’, and The Father’s Love when someone approaches Him in prayer, because He feels this will strengthen them morally, mentally, psychologically, spiritually, and the Soul they bear will have much more accountability.”