God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 7, 2004 at 8:44 am


“It is sad for Me to say this little one I use is going through a ‘Preparation’ for the sins of the world unlike what human beings of all ages understands to be, because it is impossible to understand My In-depth Love for this Creation of Mine that numbers millions throughout the world.

In each human life, I have a Portion of What I Am, Who I Am. I have done this so there is no one created, even when the conception is impure, that I am not present for the sake of the Souls that are so Important to Me.

The little one I use cries for help for all throughout the world to more fully understand that in My Creation of human life I placed within it a Portion of Who I Am, thus giving it the Strength, Understanding, Purpose and Goal that I Will them to have, because then logically, it is easier for them to understand the closeness they have in the human way to Who I Am.

I close My Words with assurance for all who will read My Words, that My Love for human life is beyond what the human mentality understands, but I beseech all who live this way to remember: You have a Portion within you of Me, that nothing else created has the privilege to have.”