God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 5, 1971 at 3:05 pm


“Write these words, My children: love, obedience, trust. How do you feel about these three main subjects of life? I, your Father, speak. All through time I have spoken of love, I have asked for obedience and I have said, ‘Trust in Me.’ Your love, as so small it is, is sufficient to Me. Your obedience in My Will, in My Way, is My Desire for thee. Your trust in what I do, how I react, what I give, what I do not give, shows Me many things. In your daily way remember these three things. As you perform in this way, hold My Hand and be One with Me.

I am The Supreme Being you are aware of. I am Divine. You have been alerted to this Form of My Being. As you are aware, be conscious at all times that My Will, My Way must be done by you. My Will for you is to keep in mind and to follow through in loving Me: obedience to the Ten Commandments, obedience in accepting My Gifts that I give out of Love for thee, The Holy Eucharist, Graces, and many things. Trust as you receive, accept freely the Faith I have given thee. Do not let it dwindle, but grow. Do not let it remain the same, help it to grow.

I bless you with My Love. It is Divine. I bless you with the Crucifix, My Son’s Love for Me. I bless you with His Love for It is also Divine, and I bless you with the Light of The Holy Ghost. We are Three, We are One, We are Divine.”