Saint Therese
of Lisieux

1873 - 1897

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 25, 1971 at 10:15 am


“As I wore the habit of love, the habit of truth, you too, must love this habit. I hand you flowers, I hand you a Gift of Truth. I am ‘The Little Flower’.

Please, My children, let each day renew your Faith and help it grow. Let each little act you do be an act of love from you. Do not be ever present on a springboard, but walk on firm ground, with a firm feeling, with love for God.

As I stood in the convent there were many times I was aware of unjustness in the world. It was sadness to me, for I knew that men were sinning against God. My ‘Little Way’ to Heaven can be yours. Let each day be as the flowers in the field, one more beautiful than the next. Let the colors of these flowers give you a feeling of zest. Let the odor give you desire to do more things for God.

My children, I could use great words with big meanings and say less to you than What I have said. To love God is a beauty and a simple way of life. What you have, no matter how simple it is, can be offered to Him. Many times, when a child shares so little, God receives it as so much. It multiplies in love when it is small. Man finds it difficult to understand this, but to share one act of love in God’s Name gains so much reward, and one day you will be acclaimed in Heaven. Man looks at all things in a different degree than God. Man puts much emphasis on great events, whereas God can put much reward on one little thought from them. When a child says, ‘I love You, God,’ my, how God reacts.

You see, My children, it is true, all men were created equal. Man sometimes misunderstands this phrase. All men were truly created with a Soul, a body, a Guardian Angel and a will; yes, equal. Now, if all men were created equal, then would it not be wise to say that God receives them equal and determines the Gifts in a just way? Think much on this. It is not necessary to give great things, but many small things.

I love you. Let each step, each word be given to Him. Let each heartache, each disappointment, each care, be given to Him. Let each good work, let the daily tasks be given to Him. Place the bouquet at the fall of night. Place your love on the Altar of Faith. Give your life to Him. Let Him guide you and let His Will be done by yours.

I bless you with The Father’s Love and with My ‘Little Way’ to Here. So be it.”