Saint Alphonsus Liguori

1696 - 1787

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 2, 1972 at 7:57 pm


“My children, I am Saint Alphonsus and I speak especially to one child in the room tonight, and yet, the others of you present here can learn much from What I say, by What I say, and in What I say. You cannot expect those you love, or those close to you, to fully understand how you are, what you feel, and what you are to do God’s Way. It is your dealing with God, it is your respect for His Will, it is your desire to please only Him.

I have come on this night to give you assurance, to give you strength, and yes, to show you that I, too, had to fight those I loved. I, too, had to stand on the opposite side of the road from them. I, too, had to stand totally in the way I knew was right for me, and now, as I stand Here in the Heavens, I encourage you to do the same. Please, think much on this. Look into My life and follow God’s Will for you. So be it.”