Saint Athanasius

c. 296 - 373

Saint Athanasius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 9, 1972 at 10:40 am


“Man does not realize that the senses were given to each man to make him, to help him be a Saint. Man says, ‘The senses make me sin.’ God says, ‘They are Gifts from Me to you, to all men.’

My children, take your eyes, and let your eyes do all things for God. Let your mouth speak only truth about Him, and let your ears hear only good, hear only what is right, for you see, these parts of your body can help you in all ways to one day spend Eternity with The Divine Three.

I am a Saint in Heaven, a Place you hear of, a Place you must go to, but a Place that to some children is too far from them. I am Saint Athanasius. In the time in which I lived, there was a great heresy all around. Again, there are many heresies in the time in which you live. It will take strength to fight them. It will take truth to face them, and it will take love for God to see that they are erased from the world.

Many times children use the senses for just human love. I say to you now, ‘Use the senses you have to teach others with your love, God’s Love and love for God, and let your ears be the listening posts for children to come and say what they please, so you, in turn, can teach them love for God.’

My children, right now in the world man is depending upon what he calls ‘blessings’ from God. Many of these blessings are caused by mass hypnosis. Many of them are caused by self-love. I say to you on this day, ‘Be aware when your pride, your ego, stands out, for you see, then you must know that the evil one has control of you.’

I bless you with God’s Love and I say, ‘Be remindful of the senses.’ And do this every day: Say to yourself, ‘My eyes I will use only for God; my mouth, only to teach His Way; my ears, to only hear the Beauty of His Love, His Way.’ So be it.”