God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 6, 1972 at 11:17 am


“My beloved ones, My children, My love, men are shouting that this day, this time cannot be true. They are shouting to Me, ‘Give me a sign.’ Some of them I smile upon, some I say, ‘Pray more, My little ones, so you will better understand My Way.’

A long time ago I created this Hill and I have come now in your day to repossess this Hill. I come in a Love, Divine that is. I come through a child, small, for you see, a long time ago I decided that this time would be that this child would be born and serve only Me.

Sometimes, when I look down from Heaven Where I am, I see once again a Hill that will long be remembered because it will bring thousands, millions of Souls to Me. I sent a Son, also small in the physical, and yet of a size of that time, and I used His Love to teach The Divine. I used His Physical to open the way for children to come Here to stay. It saddens Me when I must do such a thing, but I do it again in your time, for children are not understanding The Holy Trinity. My Son was the First Priest. This is well-known, and from Him, men learned how to come to the Throne. And the disagreements they had along the way, some turned to follow another path.

My children, I speak slowly through the child for I want My Words to last. Some of you, My little ones, do not believe I speak. I say to you now, ‘Touch your heart, does it beat?’ If it is beating, it is because of Me. The Words you are hearing are also because of Me and They are Mine from The Divine. No child can love you this much. It is My Love for you, this physical touch. There is not one child in the world who has the capacity to love in such a stable way, in such a solid manner, in such a truthful tone.

The child wipes her eyes to see Me, for the Presence she feels is One Alone. The Power that reaches you is Mine, and as Saint Michael preceded Me this time, he handed each of you a Sword. I have not come to collect the Swords but to bless Them, one by one.

I want this Hill to be accomplished My Way. I want the edifices to stand in the manner I direct. I want men to learn History I gave, and I want children to learn self-discipline. One day I will stand high upon one of the hills here where you are, and I will wait each hour of your day for you to come and kneel to pray. And if you are lonesome in your nighttime, I will be waiting there for you, open to the world, with a Light to give you comfort as you walk in with your will.

The evil one can only imitate What I Am, What I Do, What I Create. Remember this, My children. The evil one does not love you. I do. The evil one is using facades to cover what he truly is. He is encouraging man to have power. The only power that man has is the use of his will.

Man does not have power to create, to make life. Man does not have the power to heal minds that I give. Man does not have the power he thinks, he so desires. I love man too much to hand It to him. Remember, children, you were born with original sin. This proved to Me that man could not handle the power I truly Willed for him, and so each child born now to the world must stand in submission to My Will, and desire for total purity.

Children are not being taught the beauty of purity. Many children would not go one day without repast, one day without respite, one day without a body cleansing, but they do not care for the Soul they say is not in sight. I say to every child in the world now and to come, ‘Be aware of purity in all ways, all manner.’

I allowed Purgatory to be, for through Purgatory man can make reparation to Me. It is My Gift of Love to every child, and yet I say to you here, all who will come, ‘Do not wait for Purgatory for reparation time to cleanse the way, to purify yourself.’ And let your climb be slow, for you see, My little ones — I now give the child a Glow of Light to see. I began It far back in My Words to thee, for she could not stand the Power It is. And there were times in My Words she did not want to say the Words I give; she just wanted to bask in the Light to live. The Light is bright; It would blind her. The Light is Truth. It is not only behind her.

I bless you with My Love, I bless you with My Heart, I bless you with My Light. So be it.”