Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 23, 1973 at 8:19 pm


“When I walked the earth, great oils were used to wash the feet. It was soothing; it gave a feeling of well-being. Through certain chosen children, the Oils are sent to the world, sometimes in small amounts, sometimes great amounts. It depends upon what I decree.”

Our Lord is sitting on a great rock at the top of the Hill of Hope, where The Holy Eucharist will one day be.

“I have many times thrown this child to the ground in reparation for sins that others made against Me. Men sometimes casually walked by, sloughed off the agony; only I knew what humility, what price was being paid for other men to come Here for All Eternity.

I sit upon this rock and show Myself to the child through the Eyes of her Soul. I show her Myself purely. It is sad Here in the Heavens when men depend so upon men. As I walked with the Apostles, I taught them to depend upon The Greater One for all things. When hunger came, I taught them to pray for food, for repast time. When despair set in, I taught them to pray for solace, consolation. I taught them to pray for all things. When plans were made and We were to go into a city for the Teaching to be, I told them ahead to not be concerned about those who would not believe, We must touch the hearts of those who will; and from this, you see, there are Many Saints Here in Heaven with Me.

I wish that I could say through this child on this night that each of you will leave here with such a bright Light, but much of the Light that you leave with will depend upon your will, mostly. The children The Father created sometimes close out the truth, for to accept it says to them they are involved, and they do not want it to be.

I have promised this child, not happiness; I have promised her many tasks. And sometimes, when she sees a child walk away from responsibility, she cries and says, ‘I will make reparation if You will draw him back.’ And I sometimes have to say, ‘No.’ The child is worth it, oh yes, but the reparation would take too much and the work would not go on for this Great Hill. Sometimes, when the gates do open and the child passes through, I send a weight upon her that, if she did not hold My Hand, she would sink to the ground. I know, because I walked the way.

Each of you here on this night have a will. If I were to stand in front of this child and say to each of you, ‘Will you walk with Me to give others Light?’ what would you do? If I were to say to you, ‘How much time can I have?’ some of you would limit it for ridiculous reasons.

Much is made of Judas, with the kiss he placed upon Me. Much is made of Peter who denied Me. I want you all to know that when I Love, I Love with Justice above all. The child is aware of My Justice, and because of her awareness, she is able to go on. She depends upon the Justice I have for everyone. I taught her early that she had to walk in aloneness, not loneliness alone.

I want this Great Place in Honor of a Son Who walked with Me as a Father. I bless you and I say, ‘It is I Who comes to say: “I call you as I once did other men. I call you to walk with Me in Honor of The Beloved One Who raised Me.”’ So be it.”