Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 4, 1974 at 4:54 pm


“My beloved children, I am truly your Heavenly Mother. The child will describe to you the Vision of the hour, the division of time and man, and the Vision of Truth for man. The child will describe to you the path to Heaven. The child will describe to you that it would be only a fool who would not walk this path to Where I am.

I am truly your Heavenly Mother. I am truly speaking through a human force, but bear in mind, that as this force stands before you, it is from The Divine, for through her, the Winds of the Power and the Power of the Winds must reach you, and those of you who have little Faith, those of you who have great Faith, must understand that you must accept the Divinity of The Father firsthand.

Children are walking the earth, searching for what is truth, what is right, what is good, and they are looking to the men who are giving out facts, but in reality, the men are giving out what they feel is light. So, remember, My children, you are My children, and to walk the path that this child does is not a path of easiness nor a path of selfishness, but a path of Divine Light. So as I speak, I say to you, ‘I will give you the path to Here Where I am.’ The path begins with The Rules for man. The path says: ‘Do Not Have strange gods Before Me.’

I am your Mother, Heavenly One, and I want all good for you to come. I want you to be a Saint Here Where I am. I want you to know that The Rules began with submission of a will of man a long time ago. The Rules were for every man, and many men did not want to understand so they walked away from the Truth, but I could mention many men who walked in love with Him, for men.

I say to you now, ‘I walked with a Son; He gave His Heart, gave His Love, and He hoped that the cross would be taken as this child does.’ But the cross is there, the child is human, and used again for the delivery of Souls to Where I am.

I am truly your Heavenly Mother. I am truly the Light in many ways, and I am truly The One Who bears the weight of your Soul for you to come Here. Sometimes you honor Me, sometimes you disgrace Me. Sometimes you uphold What I have said, but there are times when you would not want to face Me. But bear in mind, at all Judgments, I am there. I stand there, listening to The Father’s Will. I stand there, saying, ‘Remember, My King, the child,’ and He looks at Me and He does smile and say, ‘Yes, My Heavenly Queen, I understand Your Love for the child and I understand that this child is worthwhile, but I also understand that to enter the Kingdom, Purity must be.’

Children, I love you with a mother’s love, not only Heavenly, and I love you, for you see, I want you Here with The Holy King and I want you Here with Me. What mother does not want the children to surround her? What mother does not want The Father’s Will to be done? What mother does not want the life to begin? What mother does not feel the happiness at the first sound of life, and I say to you from Here, ‘Sometimes the first sound of life is you offering your life to Him.’ Bear in mind, God did not choose fools to walk for Him. He chose those who He knew would submit totally to Him.

I hold the child deeply. I hold the child in a cocoon of Love; the cocoon is His. And I say to the whole world on this day, from this spot, ‘Love only Him, for in your love you will be able to better understand the privilege that it is to be man, and the necessity that it is to reach out to be a Saint Here in the Heavens Where I am.’

I hold the child so deeply. She is aware of this, but in the holding, I do say: ‘It is not a life of bliss. It is a life sometimes of terror, of heartache in many ways. It is a life of human way, direction.’ And in this child, through this child, God does say, ‘It is a privilege to walk the human way, for you were given a Soul.’ It is your responsibility to Him that you take the Soul, through your Faith and trust, and walk It straight to Him.

I bless you with a Motherly Love and I bless you with Hope, for you see, on this Mound of Soil the Man Who walked with Me will become known throughout the world. He has already. So it is your responsibility to follow through with what you know is Fact, is Truth, Direction, and do not worry about it taking its toll. It always does. Martyrdom is loved by God. Truth is His Direction, Fact is His Love, and do not forget, you were created by Him, allowed by Him, and the privilege of the human role comes, not from man but from Above.

I bless you as I hold this child and I bless you in the Truth in which He Is, and I say that The Beloved Saint Joseph Who was born as man, Who stands Here in the Highest of the Heavens, says to you today: ‘I come to the world through the Power of God. I stand through His Will for all men, and I give to the world What He Commands: Justice in every way, for you see, Heaven would be empty without each of thee.’ So be it.”