Saint John Vianney

1786 - 1859

Saint John Vianney

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 8, 1974 at 6:00 pm


“My beloved children, I am Saint John Vianney. Sometimes this child says to Me, ‘Saint John Vianney, don’t speak now, I am tired,’ and I go away, for you see, I know how it is to be tired in man’s way, but this time I did not let her get away with it. I forced My way into My talk with you. She tried desperately to shove Me away, but I will not allow it anymore, for this child is willful in many ways and has oftentimes shed The Saints, saying, ‘Come back another day, I am very tired today’; and so, the Saint went on speaking in a natural tone, and the child would say, ‘I know It’s You for I would not have known What to say.’ The Saint will smile, has in the past, and says, ‘That’s right, it is God’s Way.’

So today, I come through her with many things and I want the world to know the following Message, for It brings much Light to the world.

First, children must be taught the Ten Commandments in the manner they are used to Them.

a) They must be taught thoroughly the meaning of each one.

b) They must be shown the sins against each one and how to not commit them.

c) They must learn the Commandment fully so they will not have to look back upon the Commandment to remember it, but they will know it automatically.

And now I speak on the beloved Holy Rosary, a repetitive prayer, but a prayer that says more to the world than men see firsthand.

a) The Holy Rosary gives to men Important Times, for they are in categories: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious. Children of all ages must learn how things were introduced to the world in order.

Next, children must learn the reason for prayer, the beauty of prayer, the purpose behind prayer. Many prayers have been sent to the world, many prayers have been given so that children of all kinds could walk into a Holy Place, or even stand in their home or outer place, and feel the need for prayer, the words of prayer; but, prayer must be told to men that it is a way of communication to Here. Men feel prayer in a flip manner. It is not to be treated thusly. Prayer is a special means and way to speak to The Divine.

Next, children must become aware of the Sacraments, for through the Sacraments they are given responsibility and stability, they are given the Reason for their whole life. These things are important for children to know, children to memorize and children to understand.

And now, children must be taught of the History of the human life: the physical birth of man, the beauty of it, how it began. It must be done in a dignified plan. Men of honor must be the ones who explain this to other men. Children must be taught that the creation of life is important and must never be treated lightly, for there is more to a body than just the physical; there is a Soul, there is a Guardian Angel, and yes, there is a Goal.

Children must be taught about their will. The will is what makes children do what is good, weaken where things are evil. The will must be shown to children as their means to Heaven. Also, children must be told of the need of purity, what purity is; not that it robs them of the beauty of the physical way, but that purity is a way to fulfillment in the physical way, fulfillment in God’s Direction.

Children must be taught slowly, assuredly, positively, and yes, in order that things are, in every man’s day. Children of all ages must be given the highlights of the physical way. They must be shown many things, always with God’s Will in mind.

I walked the earth a long time and the burden was very heavy, for I had the responsibility to teach, to instruct, to guide. My children, this is a task upon earth with a great responsibility in God’s Eyes. First, children are taught to feed themselves, to stand, to walk, yes; and in the interim, how to talk, how to be good, and yes, how to take care of themselves, for instinctively men know there is a great responsibility to these things.

Where does that important issue lie: teaching children about The Commandments, about prayer, about the privilege of being physically alive? What must a child be taught about The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost; and The Mother, Who is Heavenly, Divine? A child must be taught right down the line, combined with the physical at all times.

Keep in mind, My children, there is so much not being taught to men of all races, all colors, all creeds. Men want to start out at the top and understand what life is all about, but I, Saint John Vianney, say, ‘Children must learn right from the beginning; children must learn the beginning so they will better understand later on.’

Children of all ages do not know The Commandments. Children do not know the fulfillment prayer can be, the dependence upon The Holy Trinity. Children do not truly know about Christianity; they are complacent about it, they are lethargic about it and in it. They accept it as what they feel is the normal way of life.

I, Saint John Vianney, say, ‘Men use words to make things right.’ Men sometimes are instinctively lazy. Men are sometimes prone to accepting what other men say rather than looking into the truth of the matter, the means and the way. Men accept, too readily, what other men deliver. They do not balance it out; they do not say, ‘Is this against a Commandment?’ No. But I say to you from the Heavens Where I am, ‘Men must learn to listen and then relate to The Commandments what they have heard, what they feel, what they intend to do, and in this way they will be better able to make a decision as to the ability, stability, and yes, vulnerability that they could be standing in.’

Oh, My children, I know what it is to live in the physical role, but I say Here from the Heavens, ‘Purity is God’s Will for your Soul.’ Your Soul was brought forth into the world. It is a Part of the physical, and yet is in a distinct way all Its Own. You must know that as you have parts of you: fingers, toes, legs, torso, head, brain, eyes, nose, mouth, ears; also, there are Parts of you, you cannot see. They are These Parts: the Soul, the Guardian Angel, the will. Do not forget These.

I bless you with a Priestly Blessing and I say, ‘You must know, you must connect and you must observe, that as you walk in the physical and as you do all things with your physical way, all these things are connected with the Invisible Parts of you that you walk with each day.’ I bless you and I say: ‘God is good to you. He created you. He loves you. He gave His Heart for you, and through His Deep Love, He has given you, through This Great Miracle, the Wisdom, the Light that will direct you to Him.’ So be it.”