Saint Catherine of Siena

1347 - 1380

Saint Catherine of Siena

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 28, 1987


“Be mindful of your example in everything you do.  Be cautious with every word spoken from you.  Be careful of how others see you, and always keep modesty and God’s Love as how you express what you are to family, friends, and special ways you love.

As I speak through a woman in the world, one like you, it is a voice you understand for it is the tongue of your land.  A Special Time was chosen for This to be, to come to you.  I am a Saint and I speak in a manner that you know.  The language I spoke was a different one when I walked upon the earth a long time ago.

My daughters, I am Saint Catherine of Siena.  I had much responsibility when I spoke the Words I was told to speak.  I talked to men in authority.  They listened.  Many were weak.  Today it is the same as it was in days gone by.  Sometimes the Words of wisdom, logic, responsibility, fell on ears that did not comply.

All through time man has had to balance the scale of right from wrong.  Some, in selfishness, weakness, greed, weighed the scale down with impurity.  But it is important for your Faith, for the Faith of all who have it, to use the Faith in The Father’s Will to not just balance the scale of morality, but to have it weigh so heavy, the side that is good, that the scale is down with the weight of perfection and purity and there is no way for the scale to even itself out with the weight of immorality.

You are Blessed in many ways, for what you hear is Truth, what you hear is Direction, through a child such as you.  Do not forget the Light that is handed you tonight.  Use It to grow in spiritually.  Allow your mind to absorb the beauty of the Logic, the responsibility of the Truth.  Do not allow yourself to wander into paths that can only destroy you.  Know that in your heart you must express what you believe.  The Father sees and hears it all and gives you Grace to carry you through the moments when you must make a choice regarding morality.

My days upon the earth were different than yours, but I walked with firmness, sternness.  I walked in sadness, I walked in hope, but in my heart I knew that the Direction that I gave was for the good of Souls.  Be blessed, and know that I, Saint Catherine of Siena, before I left the earth, said to The Father, ‘Let every waking moment that You allow me be used to spread Your Love and Words.’ So be it.”