God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 12, 1995 at 6:19 pm


“I address each one of you present here now, and all who will read These Words at another time, in another place. I have placed This Miracle upon the whole earth, instructing mankind on an Important Issue, and that Issue is that each human life has a Portion of Me within it. I have named It ‘the Soul’.

I have used many before this time to instruct mankind regarding the Importance of human life; and what I expect mankind to understand is that I, The Father, The Creator, want All that is of Me to be returned to Me at a given time. I use a small instrument, a delicate nature, but one who is obedient to All I Will to be spoken for mankind to read, to follow, and be obedient, because of the Importance of Why I come to the world in such an Open Manner at ‘this time’.

Many Saints Here Where I Am have responded to My Will, helping mankind to better understand My Purpose for human life. The time presently, is a time when many enemies are doing many things to discredit What I Have Decided mankind must fully understand.

Mankind makes many excuses for sinfulness. I, your Father, say: ‘I accept no excuses, for in many ways, I have placed openly, purposely, The Rules I have requested man to follow. They are not Rules meant for those who lived at another time. They are Rules for all times and must never be eliminated in any human life.’

This Special Gift I have given man at ‘this time’, allowing mankind Direct Words from so Many Here, is a Gift beyond what mankind understands, but the lack of understanding is in the form and through the will of mankind, not through man’s lack of knowing right over wrong. It does not take ultimate knowledge to understand My Rules, My Commandments, for I have deliberately explained Them through this little one through whom I speak now, in extensive detail, instructing mankind to omit any impurity, immorality, that would in any way be detrimental to the purity of the Soul, or the Souls of others.

My Love is a Love beyond what you know love to be, but to help you understand My Close Association to you, with you, for you, I use the word ‘love’ because it is so understandable to your nature and your ability to recognize a Close Association with Me.

There have been times in the past when there was so much desecration to My Will, by men, women and children who defied morality. This must never reach the point that it has at different times in the past. That is why I have allowed This Miracle of Love, of Mercy, of Hope, with so much Direct Communication, giving mankind the opportunity to change and cast aside all that is from the enemy.”