Saint Joseph,
The Holy Spirit

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 20, 1995 at 1:13 pm


“I am Saint Joseph. As We listen to men, women and children of all ages, We understand the interest that many of them have on going into what they call ‘outer space’, and finding what exists out there, and finding what chance man has to exist out there. They call it ‘discovering what is beyond the earth, what is in the universe’, yet in many ways they also know, that to mankind, there is no place for mankind to live a normal life out there.

The experience is obviously dangerous but has an excitement to it, even much envy attached to it, because mankind is instinctively looking for the unusual, the different, and wanting to be the first to know about it, to be remembered by it, and to go down in History as the discoverer.

There is nothing wrong morally with this, but in some ways, if mankind would look around himself or herself, and see all the advantages in making the world a better place, a purer place for all of mankind to partake in, to be able to eliminate all that is wrong, all that is diabolical, this would be a tremendous start for the greatest adventure mankind could be a part of.

Mankind is inclined to make a habit of certain things. Some habits are good, and some habits detrimental to the individual or individuals’ mental, physical and/or Spiritual. For instance, a parent teaches a child to pray, but the parent is not example in other ways, because the prayer that is spoken does not coordinate with how the prayer says one thing, and the parent or parents live in a manner and a way that can be termed ‘totally immoral, indecent’, causing a confusion in a child or children. The question is then: ‘The prayer means nothing? Does not those who love us believe in what they have taught us to say?’ words such as simple words:

God bless me today. Help me to be good, help me to know that what I am doing is right or wrong. Help me to understand if I offend You, God, in my lack of purity.

Parents should understand, and relatives of the child should understand, that children are imitators. It is how they learn. It is important for families to make a point of purity as a joint venture, a joint practice, and live the life together, so there are no questions to interfere with the rhythm, the hope, and the purity that registers in the Soul of each living member.

Man calls it ‘modern times’. This is man’s way of making excuses for his or her own lack of proper identification to what is morally sound, morally truthful. Many changes must be made through example given to children, because the children are confused, and in this We see much disaster to the Souls of millions Who are the victims of what is immorally practiced. So be it.”