Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 10, 1996 at 3:48 pm


“I am your Heavenly Mother. I have many Titles. Each Title has a Reason, and each Title is Important, and I answer to all the Titles that any child will name to get My Attention.

The Father has given so much Love, Interest, Direction through This Miracle that bears the Name of The Beloved Saint Joseph. All of Heaven has come forward, asking to speak to mankind for the benefit of the Souls of mankind, because Each Saint understands what a Treasure a Soul is to mankind. The Soul is the Recipient of that Precious Promise of The Father’s, and that Promise should be understood by all of mankind: that the Soul, through the individual’s human life, can one day become ‘a Saint’.

Children are not being instructed properly. They are being allowed freedom beyond their ability to handle freedom. They are being given so many so-called ‘advantages’, and these are not all advantages to the Soul. Man calls it ‘modernization’, ‘a sign of the times’, ‘higher education’. We call it something different. We call it ‘a lack of personal protection’, ‘a lack of instruction on what is right, what is wrong’. In many ways We try to help men, women and children to see the purity that should be strived for, and to ignore things that are obscene, impure, immoral, and can in many ways darken one’s Soul.

I can already hear the remarks of some who will read These Words. First of all: ‘How can experience darken a Soul? A child should know what life is all about. A child should know the pitfalls, and experience all the things that enter daily life. Life is a learning process.’ This is a sadness, because what they are saying is eliminating a very important subject, and that is, what a lack of self-control can cause to the Soul; also, what a lack of seeking purity can do to not just one facet of life, but all areas of living: communication, personal response to the love of someone else, to the care of someone else.

We see so many ignoring the importance of prayer in daily life. So many are too busy to see what a prayer can do, a prayer can give, a prayer can stabilize, when things are on the brink of sin. We find mankind overzealous in instructing the little ones on their personal determinations on what life is all about. They feel by instructing the little ones, they are preparing them for what is to come. This has many pitfalls, because every human being does not have the same capacity to understand the value of a situation, the destruction that could be caused by participation in some situations.

A marketplace is many things. There are many things attractive in a marketplace, some good, some evil, some things very impractical, but at this time in which you live, there is an open market for moral destruction. Everything is based on humanism, totally ignoring the Importance of human life, and the Reason for which it was created. We see many talents being lost. We see many who have specific talents for great things to be accomplished, fall into the abyss of total disaster, totally losing sight of what they could have accomplished if they could have just seen the practicality of what talents they had, and ignore the impurities that were thrown in their way, exploiting everything that was good within them.

It is easy for Me to say to a child: ‘I love you. I want you to be pure because your Soul is a recipient of all you are, all you do, all you say, all you partake in, all you are example of, and all with whom you convey good or evil, right or wrong.’ We watch children of all ages being drawn into vulgarities of the flesh, and in this very act, the mentality of the individuals are restricted in many ways because of the senses that take over. We hear some complain, and yet, there is no one to hear them, close enough to help them.

You do live in a time of great sadness. You do live in a time where so many changes are not making Saints, but are causing a confusion of state of mind through the mentality of individuals, and through what is expected of their physical actions. Ask yourself: ‘Do I, by my actions, my way of life, leave a mark on others of respect, of hope, of understanding, of caring, of a desire to truly want to take the time to give them strength morally, physically, spiritually, or do I rush on about what I am doing and let them feel I do not really care?’

The Father loves each human being, for do not forget, a Portion of Him is in each human being, and as it has been spoken before, human life is different than any other living thing. Human life has a Purpose, a Goal, because man was made to the Image and Likeness of God. This Statement alone should be put in print, to remind mankind that man is not a vegetable, nor an animal, but that human life should be held in high respect, dignity, always recognizing that within each human life there is a Portion of God, the Soul. So be it.”