Saint Robert Bellarmine

1542 - 1621

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 28, 1998 at 1:25 pm


“I am Saint Robert Bellarmine.

Children innately understand what is right, what is wrong, what is truth, what is untruth. They oftentimes are overlooked from those who feel they are the authority in the dwelling, in the school, or even in the church, so the child does not question his or her opinion, constantly dependent upon the authority as they see it, understand it to be.

In giving to the world This Miracle of Divine Love, This Treasure of Hope, on the Importance of what human life was created for, mankind has been Ultimately Blessed, because it is through This Gift of Divine Love, called ‘The Miracle Of Saint Joseph’, that mankind is beginning to more fully understand what a Closeness God is to man, because of the Soul that every human being is given at the moment of his or her conception.

We hear individuals discuss What We have spoken on different subjects. They innately know that What is spoken has much value to It, much creditability to It, much logic in It.

A Miracle of This Dimension is a Gift beyond what human minds would have the insight to deliver in the fullness in which so Many Here in the Heavens readily give, in a format easy for all degrees of intellect to understand. Each time One of Us speaks it is a Blessing, and it is sad when We hear someone who denies the value of What is spoken by Us.

It is not always a lack of Faith that there is a God, but many times it is a lack of understanding the closeness human life has to God. There would be much more happiness throughout the world if human beings would be thankful for the closeness they have to The Creator of All Things; also, to use every area of conscience, mentality and Faith to value What is so realistic, unquestionable, because It has so much logic in the descriptive manner in which It is delivered.

We see men, women and children differ on opinions on many subjects, but the Subject of The Creator of All Things should be seen on the logic that is evidenced by what a human being consists of; also, by the earth that a human being uses for many reasons, such as food for the body, food for the Soul, food for the intellect, food to understand the Purpose for which life was created, and what a natural Gift it is to feel love in so many things.

I will shorten My time with you, because What I have spoken is important to be remembered, because in remembering It, It will give Strength to human life morally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. So be it.”