Saint Peregrine

c. 1260 - 1345

Saint Peregrine

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 13, 1998 at 1:29 pm


“I am Saint Peregrine. Many of Us are given the privilege to speak through This Gift of The Father’s Love, Each of Us in Our Own Way, instructing those who will read Our Words, on the Importance of the Gift of human life.

In the Design of this Gift of Love, many things were considered; first of all, the formation, allowing all portions of human life to have reason, and many to have abilities. The senses of human life are various, and it is important for mankind to use each sense in the proper way, proper degree, for the reason it was given, because each individual is responsible for how they use the senses of the human body.

Granted, all individuals do not have the same manner of mentality, same degree of understanding all things, but through the mentality, the knowledge of what is right, what is wrong, what is truth, what is untruth, is obvious. In many ways, the ability to speak, the ability to think, the ability to hear, and the senses of taste and smell are important, because each of these things are used in more ways than an individual realizes, or understands the importance of.

My subject matter might be read as unusual, coming from a Saint, but it is important that human beings understand that through the senses, through all these Gifts in human life, they are the connecting links many times, most times, to what an individual practices in purity or impurity.

Mankind many times feels adjusted to so many distractions, thus ignoring the purpose, the reason, or the wrong that can come from distraction. We hear many learned men and women overconfident in their abilities, in their choices, and in what they feel justified in participating in, or practicing emotionally, physically, mentally, but not always are they right in their decisions, because they are sometimes misled by their own egotism, or innate desires that are detrimental to the safety, the protection of their Soul.

Ask yourself: How many conversations do individuals have with others regarding their moral values, moral standards, that the Soul of each one is responsible for? Sometimes, in religious circles the subject matter is brought up, but rarely, if ever, is it spoken about in the important degree of its content, or what it can do to others listening, or those present.

Mankind takes for granted everything they are available to, most of the time totally ignoring their moral responsibilities. If you were to walk up to some individuals and say, ‘I am writing an article on morality,’ some might laugh, and some might be arrogant in their retorts on the subject matter. Morality does not seem to make a good subject to speak about, because there are so many differences in opinions, but no matter what a human being appears like physically, each human being is responsible for their moral values, standards, practices, involvements, reasonings.

I could go on and on and on. For some it is difficult that a Lesson of this nature would come through a Saint, but All Saints are ever aware of the importance on all subjects that human life must reconcile with; also, be more aware of the importance the subject matter is to the condition of his or her Soul. A reminder should be handed out, asking individuals if they are aware of the condition of their Soul to the degree they are of their physical appearance, practices, attitudes, duties.

So much Love passes through This Gift of The Father’s Love, enlightening mankind, encouraging mankind, to look beyond and value what life was created for, and that it has a Goal Greater than any earthly practice or goal that mankind can achieve as he or she lives in the human way. Mankind must understand that the Creation of human life has a Purpose, a Reason and a Future, the Future depending on how the individual lived.

Today as I speak, I speak with a deep Love for human life, for do not forget, I too lived it in another time. So be it.”