Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug




(To be said Morning and Night)

“Saint Therese, be my guide today. Help me to speak only pure words. Help me to think clean thoughts, and please guide my every mood so that no sin will pass through me. Help me to know God’s Will. Show me the way He showed you. Help me to reach for purity, for I want perfection as soon as it can be. Help me to know what path I must take. Help me to be example for my Soul’s sake. Help me to gather in the world, others, so they too will see the beauty of God’s Love for every Soul to be returned to The Holy Trinity. Help me to be an instrument every day of my life. Help me to teach where it is needed. Help me to grow in God’s Light. Amen.”


“I know that I am little. I know that I am small. I know that every move I make can be example to all. I know that I have been given a chance to use the will I have, to express to everyone I meet the beauty for which I live. I want to be a Saint. I want to be with God. I want to walk a path of love to one day be with Him Above. Please help me in everything I do, to keep in mind, my Purpose upon the earth, which is for me to return to God, Who is Divine. Amen.”


“I am not a flower, God, perhaps I am a weed. I know You know the degree of love I have for Thee. And as I stand upon the earth in the light of the sun, please help me to grow so I may one day show color, show love, for others to see the purity of me and the love I have for The Holy Trinity. Though I be perhaps a weed, use me, God, for others to see that the growth I show, I am willing to share in the Light of Your Way, breathing Your air. Amen.”


“I’m moody, God, I know this. I shout with anger, cry with fear and treat others as enemies, not friends. My personality expresses itself when my mood says it must. But take my moods, oh Heavenly Father, and change them into flowers, so I can use each mood I have to be a beautiful thing, a beautiful way for others to see the beauty in me. Amen.”


“My duties always tire me, they are not what I want them to be. I have to serve a family. I have to work at other things. I feel the stress, I feel the strain on the demands of me.

Dear God, please help me to finish the day, offering all the things I feel, the things I am, in the service of You Who allowed Your Son to walk as man for me. In sacrifice, in service and in love, help me to know that my duties will be as reparation for my sins I have caused against Thee. Amen.”