“What Is An Ample Degree Of Love For God? What Determines It? How Is It Determined?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 30, 1981


“Our love for God is determined in how we reflect our belief in the Ten Commandments, to what degree we uphold Them in our daily life, and in our manner of religious beliefs, coordinated with the example we are in every thought, word, deed and action that we permit ourselves to extend to others.

Sometimes we make so many excuses for our faults, our weaknesses and our self-love, that we fall short in how we portray our feelings, our actions, and our expression of loving God. There is no boundary, there is no figure in amounts, and there are no typical situations that we can use that we could say would be ample love for God.

The ability to love God, the willingness to love God, the practice of loving God has no bounds. The desire to serve God, the interest in loving God, the love of doing things to please God has no bounds. No man who has ever lived or who will live, could ever decide what degree of love is ample for God. Knowing this, realizing this, understanding this, is logical, and should make everyone think that there could never be a limit to one’s love for God, and that every moment of life should be in search of, and in readiness to seek all things that will be pleasing to God and obedient to His Ten Commandments.

Falling short of the truest form, in the truest sense of understanding one’s own self, should encourage everyone to work at casting out weaknesses of any kind, and to strive with all the traits of mankind, the nature, personality, intellect, abilities and capabilities, to seek Sainthood using these traits to not just satisfy God, but to return one’s Soul to Him. Man has been given a great responsibility, and has been given the intellect to fulfill it.”