“Holy Communion - Its Importance, Its Significance, Its Reality, Its Place In Our Life, Its Purpose, Its Beginning, Its Necessity To Us And Our Soul”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 6, 1981


“Holy Communion is of extreme importance to the whole world, for It is the Act of Love and Act of Communion with God that was left for mankind to give men strength and to support men in their Faith.

Its significance is demonstrated by what It is. It is not a symbol, but is the actual Body and Blood of Christ that has been put in a palatable Form for men to partake in, and for man to be able to have a Special Union with God through a trust in what He taught, a belief in what He gave, and a Faith in what He Willed to be, leaving a Significant Portion of Himself for man to always have, to give strength to their physical, their mental, and their Spiritual being.

The reality of Holy Communion is Special for man, for through time It has been honored for what It is, and It has in many cases, shown Miracles when men were in need. The reality of Holy Communion passed down through time assures men that as It is a Substance understandable in the Miracle of Its change, It gives to us, Him.

Holy Communion’s place in our life is the connection between our love of our Faith, our acceptance of our Faith, and our practice of our Faith, in What He did, What He allowed to be done, and What He left for us to always have: a Part of Him.

Holy Communion’s purpose is to remind us of all that He taught, all that He wanted us to see, as our need for Him. Also the true purpose of Holy Communion was to never allow His children to be separated from Him.

The beginning of Holy Communion was displayed at the Last Supper, and Its Beauty was Consummated when The Son of God took His last Physical Breath for the good of man.

The necessity of Holy Communion to us and our Souls is endless in explanation because It is timeless in Its entirety, and is beyond the expression of love man can have for the Beauty of one’s Soul.

God, in His Love for mankind, gave The Holy Eucharist to man so that each man could have This Part of Him to remind each man of the necessity of the pure state of being that this Sacrament of Love and Hope would give to each man’s Soul.

Holy Communion is more than a Gift, It is a Communion with God to help man live with God for All Eternity.”